Fenris after Kirkwall       [source: Dragon Age]

After Hawke left, I either went with them, went with Isabela, went back to Tevinter [where I sometimes met the Iron Bull], or stayed with Varric.

I fell in league with more Fog Warriors at some points, perhaps subtly using them on behalf of Solas [whether asked me to or not] after having returned to Tevinter, or just to continue doing what it was we did. When it wasn’t for Solas, I often converted to the Qun, needing some purpose.

No matter which way I left, I didn’t remain in Kirkwall, if I wasn’t involved with Donnic and Aveline, after Varric was in the Inquisition. When I did stay with them, I ended up in the city guard myself.

Continue to times where I followed Hawke,
Continue to times where I returned to Tevinter,
Continue to times where I followed Isabela,
Continue to times where I met Bull, or
Continue to times where I aided the Inquisition.

Return to Start.